Friday, February 20, 2009

इचेद टी रेसिपे

अप्परेंत्ल्य इ कैन ओनली राइट माय पोस्ट इन हिन्दी टुडे? लेट में लुक अरौंद फॉर थे सेत्तिंग्स सो इ कैन सेट आईटी बेक तो इंग्लिश सो थे ओने और तवो रेअदेरस इ हवे कैन उन्देर्स्तंद माय पोस्ट्स।



Josh said...

मैं चाय बना दिया. यह फ्रिज में है. मैं नींबू का रस नहीं था, इसलिए मैं एक नींबू मेरे लहसुन प्रेस का उपयोग कर निचोड़ था नींबू zinger और मैं थे. बहुत कठिन. यादृच्छिक है कि मैं एक नींबू, जहां ज्यादातर लोग रस होता है.

मैं पहले से ही ऊपर के अंग्रेज़ी ब्लॉग पर इस पोस्ट की है, लेकिन अभी तो मैं आप हिन्दी बोलने वालों के खिलाफ भेदभाव नहीं कर रही हूँ, मुझे भी है आपकी भाषा में पोस्ट किया है.

Melanie said...

Here is the google translation. Not quite the same, but funny.

"I made tea. It's in the fridge. I did not have lemon juice, a lemon so I used my garlic press to squeeze the lemon was Zinger and I did. Very difficult. I have a random lemon, juice is where the most people.

I already posted this on top of the blog is English, but English speakers so I am not discriminated against, I've posted in your language."

Josh said...

Yes, I translated it from english to Hindi, then right back to english, and it was way different. I guess you have to be extremely literal when you are trying to translate something so there are no types of slangs that don't translate.

Melanie said...

Here is my comment from English to Portugese to English.


I am eating a subway fresh fit meal. It is so good. I can't wait to go home and try my homemade peanut butter fudge.




Estou comendo um metro fresca caber refeição. É tão bom. Eu não posso esperar para ir para casa e tentar o meu caseiro amendoim bobagem.


(Back to English)

I'm eating a fresh fit meal meters. It is so good. I can not wait to go home and try my homemade peanut silly.


How does "butter fudge" translate to "silly"??

Josh said...

I tried it too:

My baby is trying to talk. She keeps babbling and making sounds that sound like da-da-da-da-da. I did not go to school today because there is alot of snow coming down outside. I eat bacon sometimes.


Moje dieťa sa snaží rozprávať. Stále blábolení a vytváranie zvukov, ktoré znejú ako da-da-da-da-da. Som nešla do školy, pretože dnes existuje spousta snehu sstupující vonku. I jesť slaninu občas.

Back to English:

My child tries to speak. Still babbling and creating sounds that sound like da-da-da-da-da. I went to school, because now there spousta snow coming down outside. I eat bacon occasionally.

Melanie said...

I guess you have to be careful when talking to someone from Slovakia. You said you didn't go to school and they think you did. I like the "creating sounds" and "spousta snow". We had spousta snow here last night also.