Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving is over!

I like Thanksgiving, but I also like when it's over. My family came over to my house yesterday for Thanksgiving dinner. We ate later than usual, 4:00, and I think it made the day a little more relaxing. I didn't have to get up way early to get all the last minute stuff done before everyone came over. We also only had a ham, so I didn't have to worry about a turkey.

The food was awesome!!! We divided up the cooking duties so I wouldn't have to do everything. I made the ham and mashed potatoes. Jake made homemade creamed corn (SOOOO GOOD!!) and Apple pie. Amanda made Apple and Pumpkin pies, Holly made Pumpkin Pie and brownies.

This is the second year that Jake and Amanda have made pies. So we had a little pie tasting competition. Last year Amanda's apple pie looked amazing, but Jake's tasted amazing. This year Jake won in both categories. As for the Pumpkins, Amanda's looked great and Holly's tasted better (my opinion, others thought different). The rest of the fixings were store bought, but still good.

I was talking to Judy later in the evening and we were reminiscing a little about my mom and she said she remembered one year for black friday a looong time ago her and my mom went to Walmart and my mom was driving one of those cars/cart thingies (this was long before she got sick, Judy thinks she had a hurt ankle or knee.) A Walmart employee came up and asked my mom if he could help her with anything and she told him that she was looking for 5 Tonka trucks on sale for $5. He said okay and waded through ALL the people trying to get the Tonka trucks and grabbed 5 and brought them to her. My mom and Judy were shocked and laughed and laughed. One of the best things about my mom was her laughing about stuff, I can always picture that in my head.

Amanda went to the Black Friday sale this morning. She got there at 5:30 and was looking for a digital camera that was on sale for $69. They were all out of them. She was walking through the store and saw the camera on a random shelf where it wasn't supposed to be. So she got her camera. I think my mom made it to Black Friday at Walmart this year!!!


Josh said...

I will have to make it up there next year for Thanksgiving. It sounds like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

The first and only time I went Black Friday was with your mom and Amanda many years ago, total caos! ~Norah