Friday, July 31, 2009


We have been camping a lot this summer, when I say a lot I mean like 5 times. So finally I buy our own tent (we've been borrowing Todd's dad's tent) and then it rains every weekend since. So even though it's supposed to rain tomorrow, I'm going camping!!! This picture was from camping in June on Lake Superior. It was a pretty remote/private spot that I'm glad we found. It was Anna's first time camping that she can remember and both kids had a blast!! (on a side note, don't you love how little kids run? All out from the first step! Click on the picture and you can see a closeup of Anna with her hair flying and arms pumping)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quick Update.

Yes, I am still smoke free. It has been pretty easy. There's a few times when I've craved smoking, but it passes easily. I don't think it's the nicotine, just the social smoke.

My back is still messed up. It makes it really hard for me to sit. So work sucks because of it. I also don't sit at the computer at home and blog very often. I have an appointment tomorrow with a chiropractor to get x-rays. Maybe he'll see something and I can be on the road to recovery. Todd's threatening to make me get an MRI and surgery. One person that I've been seeing for help suggested a treatment center in AZ. I looked it up online and they said it's normally for people who have had back problems for 10-20 years and have had no success with conventional means! I will be severely depresseed if I have to go 10-20 yrs with pain every day.

Garage sale season has started!! I have gone to Green Bay, Denmark and Norway to sale so far. I'll probably go around here this weekend. I also need to get my back better so I can have a garage sale this summer.

That's it for now. Hopefully I can get back to normal and be able to do things again. Having back problems is very depressing and has been affecting me and my family way to long.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm Free!!!

Of the "nicodemon". It's been 5 days.

I think it's funny how if you tell people you quit smoking and they ask you how long it's been, and if it's been less than let's say 1 month or 1 year, they say "oh", like it's not long enough for you to have actually quit. I think if you've actually abstained from smoking for 1 whole day, you are allowed to say you've quit. It's the first day of reestablishing your rituals and breaking the old ones where you had to smoke after/before/during anything that you do. So if someone tells you that they've quit, and you ask them how long it has been and if they say anything over one day, believe them.

I've read "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr. The big points in the book that are helping me are 1. You are not giving up anything! 2. You are not giving up anything!

I still miss cigarette breaks, so I go "out" with the smokers, but don't smoke. :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

I feel sick!

This is my downfall today. 1 WHOLE box. 22.5 points on the weight watcher's points scale. But, OMG are they good. Maybe I shouldn't have ate the whole box though. Someone come and get my other boxes from me.