Friday, March 13, 2009

I feel sick!

This is my downfall today. 1 WHOLE box. 22.5 points on the weight watcher's points scale. But, OMG are they good. Maybe I shouldn't have ate the whole box though. Someone come and get my other boxes from me.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

All by Myself!


This morning I asked Anna to pick out some clothes to wear from her dresser. She was such a big helper by taking all the clothes she could carry and throwing them down the stairs! When I came upstairs, this was what she was wearing.

She has a short sleeve pajama top on (not from bedtime last night), long sleeve shirt, jeans and a dress. Notice the bottom of the dress sticking out of one of her sleeves.

This was her first time fully picking out clothes and dressing herself. So we're proud of her.