Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving is over!

I like Thanksgiving, but I also like when it's over. My family came over to my house yesterday for Thanksgiving dinner. We ate later than usual, 4:00, and I think it made the day a little more relaxing. I didn't have to get up way early to get all the last minute stuff done before everyone came over. We also only had a ham, so I didn't have to worry about a turkey.

The food was awesome!!! We divided up the cooking duties so I wouldn't have to do everything. I made the ham and mashed potatoes. Jake made homemade creamed corn (SOOOO GOOD!!) and Apple pie. Amanda made Apple and Pumpkin pies, Holly made Pumpkin Pie and brownies.

This is the second year that Jake and Amanda have made pies. So we had a little pie tasting competition. Last year Amanda's apple pie looked amazing, but Jake's tasted amazing. This year Jake won in both categories. As for the Pumpkins, Amanda's looked great and Holly's tasted better (my opinion, others thought different). The rest of the fixings were store bought, but still good.

I was talking to Judy later in the evening and we were reminiscing a little about my mom and she said she remembered one year for black friday a looong time ago her and my mom went to Walmart and my mom was driving one of those cars/cart thingies (this was long before she got sick, Judy thinks she had a hurt ankle or knee.) A Walmart employee came up and asked my mom if he could help her with anything and she told him that she was looking for 5 Tonka trucks on sale for $5. He said okay and waded through ALL the people trying to get the Tonka trucks and grabbed 5 and brought them to her. My mom and Judy were shocked and laughed and laughed. One of the best things about my mom was her laughing about stuff, I can always picture that in my head.

Amanda went to the Black Friday sale this morning. She got there at 5:30 and was looking for a digital camera that was on sale for $69. They were all out of them. She was walking through the store and saw the camera on a random shelf where it wasn't supposed to be. So she got her camera. I think my mom made it to Black Friday at Walmart this year!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I had a date!

My husband and I finally had a date last night. It feels like it's been forever. We went to dinner at Applebees and to see the new Twilight movie. It was fun being with him, but not exactly the right choice for a movie that he would like. I could feel him rolling his eyes through the whole movie. I'm such a fan of the books, (btw if someone has the 4th book and they want to loan it to me, let me know), but I was expecting a little more from the movie. I couldn't believe how packed the theatre was. FULL of teenage girls. The mom next to me said they were there since 5:30 (two hours before showtime). We wouldn't have found seats together if the mom next to us didn't make her kids move so we could sit. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm a slave driver!

Last night I stopped at IGA to pick up a few groceries. I grabbed a basket, thinking I could be quickly in and out. Anna (2 yr old) decides that she HAS to carry the basket. So there we are, through the whole store, me watching her struggling and dragging the basket full of food while grunting. At one point she was on her knees with her hands on the basket pushing it like a car. If I tried to take if from her, she would scream at me "MINE!". Hopefully no one is blogging about seeing a mean mom at the grocery store yesterday!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I'm so tired today. I stayed up late reading a book. I hate when I do that, but I can't help it when I'm reading a new book. It was the second book in the Twilight series. Now I can't wait to read the third one, but I should get some sleep before I start that one. Good thing it wasn't a Harry Potter book, I would still be reading. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Homemade Stuff

I totally love homemade stuff. I find recipes on the internet and try them out to see if I like them. So far I love laundry detergent, cleaners and colloidal silver. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but he goes with it, except for yesterday when he saw a huge box of powdered milk on the table (of course he jumped to the wrong conclusion.)

I have my own blog!

I never thought I'd say that in my life. But I started reading people's blogs and thought they are pretty fun, so now I want my own!! And how easy to get one, everyone should have one, then we could just sit at our computers and never talk to anyone irl. :)